Tuesday, September 11, 2012

8 Great Ideas for Free Marketing

1 - How to get your business noticed in the media
Whether it's the local newspaper, a national trade or retail magazine, a radio slot or TV appearance - offer yourself as an expert in your field, available to comment at any time or provide material for their writers or producers. This sounds ambitious but you can do it. Sometimes the best way is to promote your business by paid advertising, it has its advantages.
2 - Referrals are you best bet!
Whether you’re offering a discount for future work, or for your existing customers, everyone loves a discount. Why not provide your existing customers bonuses (in your company money J) by  every referral that comes in give them 10% or whatever amount suitable. Come one guys 90% is better than zero. If the work you’re providing is great, and I can make “money” why not, I’ll throw my friends to you who are looking for the services you offer.
3 - Something for Free……What!
Freebies cost, but what they cost in money, they make up in free marketing, If your business can, offer free samples, or creating a coupon offer on Google. Try it, it does work. 
4 - Let your community know what you SELL or provide!
There are many good business groups and associations, you start at, see if you can talk about your product or your services, let’s see where that goes. Just by getting involved in your own community or religious outlet, your business will gain exposure. You’d be surprised how powerful the local minister/rabbi/father is. During these meetings pass out business cards, don’t be shy, this is all about your business. I know people think this is old fashioned or not needed but hey, I say it’s needed more than ever. Your targeted audience might be few in the community but the ones that find your product or your services interesting will keep your calling card. Do your homework, though--make sure you are confident enough to stand in front of people to make the presentation, and make sure that your talk is interesting, inspiring and at times lighthearted. (Comes from experience but you can do it!)
5 - Make your website work for you
If you haven't had your site optimized (SEO), that's something you should look at. This might be biggest nugget, and sometimes the most beneficial. Hey when people search for our business we want to be Number 1 or it not Number 1 then at least on the first page. SEO services will enable us to pick the right words, and help us gain a better understanding how these SEO engines work. Keep in mind this service will cost you, and this is something you will need someone professional to handle this. You can do it yourself, but I recommend you get a professional to look at it, and then see what you need and don’t need.  Just on side note you can promote your own business on social network sites like Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter. Try these and work your way around.
6 - Special Offers Pricing!
In a recession strategy, before you start slashing away, look at your competition see if you can work within their pricing structure. Sometimes slashing will turn people away from your business. Offer price guarantees, work guarantee look at what you can offer. Not much to say here because you are your own boss on what to offer discounts. Keep my philosophy one penny is better than zero. If it makes you money why not, sell it. 
7 - Payment Plans
If you offer services, and you think you can offer payment options do it. Sometimes people don’t go for that big nugget is because of price. Let’s say you’ve given the discount, you’ve given the price guarantee, now how do you real in the customer. Well many customers aren’t able to pay upfront. Give those customers if you can the ability to make payments. Hey I know easy said than done but bending backwards is a lot better than closing shop. Make a payment schedule with your customers. Think big and big things will happen think small nothing will happen.
8 - Satisfaction Guaranteed
Your best advertisement is satisfied customers. These are the customers that are going to talk positive about you, and your services. These are the ones that will win you over new customers. Have your customers write a letter of satisfaction about you on the internet. Why not, it’ll be great marketing for free, and people can actually see positive responses about your business.   Above everything else though, treat your customers with the utmost respect and gratitude. They are the reason you have a business at all, and in a recession that key business principle really is worth its weight in gold.

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