Saturday, August 4, 2012

Free Media through Social Sites

How To Use Free Media for Marketing

Hi Guys, I guess I hope some of my advice, on marketing has opened your eye to different ways to approach the same problem. I know many of us are looking for the safe and most importantly the CHEAP route, don’t get me wrong, I’m with you. I first started my business on a whimp, and paid my dues. What I mean by that is, I maxed out my credit cards, fell two payments behind on my mortgage, and yes I asked my relatives and anyone for assistance. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. The reason why I’m tell you this, is because A DON”T GIVE UP. It’s an ocean out there, and believe me, what you make is what you make, and what I make is what I make. What I’m trying to say is there are so many fish in the sea, that we’re not fight for the same one.
So, now on to bigger points. We’ve all started using Google, and Facebook what I should say is social medium to promote ourselves, by having our own page, of thoughts and friends. Wait a minute, why not do that for our business, a great idea!!! Actually a worn out idea. Everyone and there mother is doing it. I mean look at the big companies out there, they’re trying to attract the “loyal” customers by having them “click in”.  Well in this article I’m going to go through, the small business plan. Actually my plan, and you can see my mistakes and my wins. You may want to try to use them as well. 
Look here’s the #1 rule. KNOW your customer. Sounds easy right….actually this is the hardest thing. Companies pay other companies BIG money to find out what every kind of race is thinking? I mean this may sound “racist” but keep in mind, that our backgrounds govern how we buy. I come from a poor Asian home, where the mentality is get it while its good. Meaning forget about tomorrow live for today. Yes that mentally is not every Asian out there but only us. I mean my family in general. So enough said about that. Keep in mind we all have certain tendencies to how we approach a problem or purchase.  
With that big NOTE, just keep in mind that all of that writing/talking on top I did was to tell you to sell the right item to the right customer, or know your audience.
How to use Facebook.
Most businesses that offer or have Facebook pages,  are the best place to start. These pages allow businesses to collect “fans” the way celebrities, sports teams, musicians and politicians do. There are now 1.4 million Facebook Pages and they collect more than 10 million fans every day, according to the site.
Businesses can easily create a web presence with Facebook, even if they don’t have their own Web site. I own my web designing business. I know this may sound like a pitch, but you definitely needs a web presence. Now that you have your Facebook account, you need a presence on the web to back it up. Businesses can claim a vanity address so that their Facebook address reflects the business name, like htt:// Facebook pages can link to the company’s Web site or direct sales to e-commerce sites like Ticketmaster or WebCreatingCo. (Pitch – If you’d like use my website: to help you out. I’ll do my best to give you best price, and make you happy. BECAUSE: I need the business –STAIGHT OUT)
Facebook offers an array of tools and networking solutions, I guess it’s easy to wander down too many paths, I recommend, that start with by asking yourself a simple question: What’s your goal? Is it getting more customers in the door? Building brand awareness? Creating a venue for customer support? Once you have set your goal, you can strategize accordingly. So basically put it on paper, check mark each stage of the game. J
Now that you’ve written all down, find out what your objectives are. Meaning are they baby steps or are you coming out RUNNING. So keep it simple. And most of all keep your ideas clean, meaning don’t have 40 objects for goal # 1.
Here’s a small hint, tell your family and friends to join your companies Facebook. You’ll be surprised how fast you’re Facebook page grows. Also keep in mind to have a Google+ account as well. Make your FREE presence known.
And don’t forget that you can enliven your page with photos, comments and useful information. As you grow more comfortable, you can add videos or business applications. Flaunt your personality. The page of an ice cream parlor should feel different than that of a funeral parlor. “The pages that are most successful,” said Tim Kendall, the director of monetization at Facebook, “are the ones that really replicate the personality of the business.”
Should It all be about SELLING? 
This may come at the end, but keep in mind, don’t try to end with a sale, sometimes a to empower someone with knowledge might win you more customers.  
Some basic rules:  The best practitioners make Facebook less about selling and more about interacting. Engage with fans and critics. Listen to what people are saying, good and bad. You may even pick up ideas for how to improve your business. Keep content fresh. Use status updates and newsfeeds to tell fans about specials, events, contests or anything of interest.
Remember with all these tools people aren’t going to flock to your social business site overnight. Technology is about the network effect. It takes time to make those connections, and more time for the one’s that grow. 

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