Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Impressions for your business

You maybe wondering why I’m writing about first impressions, rather than talking about promoting your business on the internet. Let’s say you walk into a restaurant, everyone in town has been raving about it. It’s the best food. You can’t beat the service. Everything you order taste fantastic. Well, WHAT IF, you went there, and your first impression was a dirty restaurant. Or maybe they forgot to vacuum or maybe they didn’t do a thorough  job of cleaning up. Think about this, that was your first impression. To my wife, it might disgust her out. To me, I’m a guy, and I don’t care how the place is, but the problem, is I’m not your average customer. You’re average customer expects certain image quality from you. I mean your business. * My lame website PROMO – if you want a good impression, on the web then let us help you, our website is www.webcreatingco.com. Now back to your regularly scheduled program J. You never get a second chance at making a positive and long-lasting first impression.  Although there is some debate as to how fast it takes for someone to make a first impression – is it in the blink of an eye? 30 seconds? 60 seconds? – simple and clear first impressions can never be AGAIN!  
Keep in mind I’m a web designer and I sell, basically images. What I’m saying is your first impression should be portrayed as positive and long-lasting for both your customers and from us.  It is on your shoulders to ensure that your first impression properly represents your company. 
First thing is when choosing your website, Don’t just go for the cookie cutter look. I know it’s simple and easy but that’s what it is simple and easy. Go for more of a look that’s YOU.
I was working on a project for a client of mine, and he/she wanted me to have a BIG strawberry in the background of their pages, and have bakery items float. Sounds great right? Actually No, majority of your clients want to see a professional website, not something you’ve half baked ( no pun attended J) Think about it, should be you. First impression are you.
1.     Pick the right color to represent  your company colors. ( this is up to you, there is no such thing as the right color – I actually think HOT pink wouldn’t be appropriate for a funeral home.( hey what do I know)
2.     Here’s a key piece but don’t get hung on it. LOGO. Yes your logo is important. This is your trademark, your image. You don’t want a BONG or a beer bottle as your logo if you’re selling cabbage patch dolls. ( for the younger generation those used to be the hottest item in the 80’s
Probably the single most important thing I can tell you is when you’re looking for someone to do your website, if not me L make sure they know what there doing, and most of all that the company and individual demonstrate they have value to offer you, just like www.webcreatingco.com (come on you’re reading my BLOG I have to shamelessly promote myself)  In business if you’re presenting new ideas and solving problems, you are creating and offering value, what we do here in WebCreatingCo
Remember that your customer is not simply buying from your company, they are buying from you.  You represent the company and its products.  If they trust and like you, they will be more likely to trust and like your company and its products. Remember when you’re creating your website image, let us help you. You may just see that we’re not that expense, and we offer great rates, and services.

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