Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What are Meta Tags

What are Meta Tags

We all want to be on TOP, specially when it comes to our business. We'll try and we want the highest ranking for our webpages. After all we want our web pages to POP up every time when the word GOOGLE shows up. Well, that might be a little difficult. I did say difficult, not impossible. As a web designer, and my follow web designers, or potential customers looking for web page. My Blog is here to help you understand basic understanding of what you're suppose to ask for, when creating your web page. What items you're suppose to look at. 
In this blog I'll discuss the value of Meta Tags. What Meta Tags are, and how they will benefit your website. 
Now that you've got your working website up. Its running finally you've got more than your mother, uncle, auntie, and most of all your girlfriend/wife is looking at it. Your website up, and but wait the traffic isn't what it should be. 

You've run the numbers of hits, and it shows 10 and if you remove all the time you've been on it, now the number shows 3. Great!! I can help, maybe, well I'll try anyway. 
Before I jump into Meta Tags, make sure you're using the right words for descriptions Just add meta tags and your website will magically rise to the top, right? Keep in mind there are rooms full of computes running algorithms.  

While there is still some debate about which meta tags remain useful and important to search engines, meta tags definitely aren't a magic solution to gaining rankings in Google, Bing, Yahoo, or elsewhere – so let's kill that myth right from the start. However, meta tags help tell search engines and users what your site is about, and when meta tags are implemented incorrectly, the negative impact can be substantial and heartbreaking.

The following are some examples of what Meta tags are and what they'r impact can be:
What Are Meta Tags?
HTML meta tags are officially page data tags that lie between the open and closing head tags in the HTML code of a document. The text in these tags isn't displayed, but is parable and tells the browsers (or other web services) specific information about the page. Simply, it “explains” the page so a browser can understand it.
Here's a code example of meta tags:
<title>Not a Meta Tag, but required anyway</title>
<meta name="description" content="Awesome Description Here">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
The Title Tag
Although the title tag appears in the head block of the page, it isn't actually a meta tag. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Tips and Tricks to Promote your business

These are just basic ideas, I've come up with, some of them are tested and some of them just ideas that I've picked up throughout my business ventures. 
So now that you've made letterheads, business cards. I've notice many times that when people order business cards from us, they have everything on it. I mean everything, but the most important part, like your URL for your website. and of course don't forget to put in your e-mail signature. This tit bit may of sounded insane, but believe it or not, people don't do it. 
Small advice, think as though you're customer wouldn't think to look there. Just have it on there for safe keeping. 
I'm just a small fry in the big market of things, but my employees (me, myself, and I) all have t-shirts with our company name on it, and yes we have our URL on it as well. I'm a walking billboard. Free advertising people. 
If you haven't done it already, don't forget to put your web address in your Yellow Pages ad. That's one place people see it every day.
On my car, I have my magnet stamps that show my URL on the side. here is something what it looks like: (my shameless way of promoting ME.) 

The next advice is very important: Make sure you use SEOs if you don't know what those are I'll explain int the next blog. But these are very important. Can't wait send me an email
Need more exposure, you can explore search engine marketing, wherein you pay to have a text ad appear when visitors search for certain keywords.
Send out a weekly e-mail newsletter to registered site. Give them promotions on what your selling, related to your company with links back to your site. Again, like I've mentioned before, learn about your targeted audience. Send a well-planned, customer-focused e-mail promotion to a targeted list of potential visitors and offer a credit toward the purchase of anything from your site. Spend time on your e-mail's look and content. No matter how much you do it, just my advice, not saying it won't work, but I've never opened email from people trying to sell me something, its a long shot, but you never know. 
Create your own link exchange by asking sites complementary to yours (but that don't compete) to put your link on their pages and you'll do likewise.
 If your selling products online, every time you get a customer who's purchased, send them a coupon for the next purchase, and ask about their feedback about your website, sometimes you get people who'll guide you in the right direction.  Inspire your visitors to spread the word for you with viral marketing techniques, from the aforementioned newsgroup participation to including an "e-mail this link" on every page of your site. Not sure what your customers want? Try creating an online survey to get their crucial opinions on how well your site is selling to them.
This is important: When creating your own ads, make sure you understand who you're targeting, the goal of your campaign, and how to creatively use the ad confines to get viewers to click on your ad, not away from it. A lot of people don't use this way, but I say why not, try other selling venues like online classified advertising or online auction sites to increase exposure to your site and products.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Impressions for your business

You maybe wondering why I’m writing about first impressions, rather than talking about promoting your business on the internet. Let’s say you walk into a restaurant, everyone in town has been raving about it. It’s the best food. You can’t beat the service. Everything you order taste fantastic. Well, WHAT IF, you went there, and your first impression was a dirty restaurant. Or maybe they forgot to vacuum or maybe they didn’t do a thorough  job of cleaning up. Think about this, that was your first impression. To my wife, it might disgust her out. To me, I’m a guy, and I don’t care how the place is, but the problem, is I’m not your average customer. You’re average customer expects certain image quality from you. I mean your business. * My lame website PROMO – if you want a good impression, on the web then let us help you, our website is www.webcreatingco.com. Now back to your regularly scheduled program J. You never get a second chance at making a positive and long-lasting first impression.  Although there is some debate as to how fast it takes for someone to make a first impression – is it in the blink of an eye? 30 seconds? 60 seconds? – simple and clear first impressions can never be AGAIN!  
Keep in mind I’m a web designer and I sell, basically images. What I’m saying is your first impression should be portrayed as positive and long-lasting for both your customers and from us.  It is on your shoulders to ensure that your first impression properly represents your company. 
First thing is when choosing your website, Don’t just go for the cookie cutter look. I know it’s simple and easy but that’s what it is simple and easy. Go for more of a look that’s YOU.
I was working on a project for a client of mine, and he/she wanted me to have a BIG strawberry in the background of their pages, and have bakery items float. Sounds great right? Actually No, majority of your clients want to see a professional website, not something you’ve half baked ( no pun attended J) Think about it, should be you. First impression are you.
1.     Pick the right color to represent  your company colors. ( this is up to you, there is no such thing as the right color – I actually think HOT pink wouldn’t be appropriate for a funeral home.( hey what do I know)
2.     Here’s a key piece but don’t get hung on it. LOGO. Yes your logo is important. This is your trademark, your image. You don’t want a BONG or a beer bottle as your logo if you’re selling cabbage patch dolls. ( for the younger generation those used to be the hottest item in the 80’s
Probably the single most important thing I can tell you is when you’re looking for someone to do your website, if not me L make sure they know what there doing, and most of all that the company and individual demonstrate they have value to offer you, just like www.webcreatingco.com (come on you’re reading my BLOG I have to shamelessly promote myself)  In business if you’re presenting new ideas and solving problems, you are creating and offering value, what we do here in WebCreatingCo
Remember that your customer is not simply buying from your company, they are buying from you.  You represent the company and its products.  If they trust and like you, they will be more likely to trust and like your company and its products. Remember when you’re creating your website image, let us help you. You may just see that we’re not that expense, and we offer great rates, and services.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Free Media through Social Sites

How To Use Free Media for Marketing

Hi Guys, I guess I hope some of my advice, on marketing has opened your eye to different ways to approach the same problem. I know many of us are looking for the safe and most importantly the CHEAP route, don’t get me wrong, I’m with you. I first started my business on a whimp, and paid my dues. What I mean by that is, I maxed out my credit cards, fell two payments behind on my mortgage, and yes I asked my relatives and anyone for assistance. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. The reason why I’m tell you this, is because A DON”T GIVE UP. It’s an ocean out there, and believe me, what you make is what you make, and what I make is what I make. What I’m trying to say is there are so many fish in the sea, that we’re not fight for the same one.
So, now on to bigger points. We’ve all started using Google, and Facebook what I should say is social medium to promote ourselves, by having our own page, of thoughts and friends. Wait a minute, why not do that for our business, a great idea!!! Actually a worn out idea. Everyone and there mother is doing it. I mean look at the big companies out there, they’re trying to attract the “loyal” customers by having them “click in”.  Well in this article I’m going to go through, the small business plan. Actually my plan, and you can see my mistakes and my wins. You may want to try to use them as well. 
Look here’s the #1 rule. KNOW your customer. Sounds easy right….actually this is the hardest thing. Companies pay other companies BIG money to find out what every kind of race is thinking? I mean this may sound “racist” but keep in mind, that our backgrounds govern how we buy. I come from a poor Asian home, where the mentality is get it while its good. Meaning forget about tomorrow live for today. Yes that mentally is not every Asian out there but only us. I mean my family in general. So enough said about that. Keep in mind we all have certain tendencies to how we approach a problem or purchase.  
With that big NOTE, just keep in mind that all of that writing/talking on top I did was to tell you to sell the right item to the right customer, or know your audience.
How to use Facebook.
Most businesses that offer or have Facebook pages,  are the best place to start. These pages allow businesses to collect “fans” the way celebrities, sports teams, musicians and politicians do. There are now 1.4 million Facebook Pages and they collect more than 10 million fans every day, according to the site.
Businesses can easily create a web presence with Facebook, even if they don’t have their own Web site. I own my web designing business. I know this may sound like a pitch, but you definitely needs a web presence. Now that you have your Facebook account, you need a presence on the web to back it up. Businesses can claim a vanity address so that their Facebook address reflects the business name, like htt://www.Facebook.com/WebCreatingCo. Facebook pages can link to the company’s Web site or direct sales to e-commerce sites like Ticketmaster or WebCreatingCo. (Pitch – If you’d like use my website: www.webcreatingco.com to help you out. I’ll do my best to give you best price, and make you happy. BECAUSE: I need the business –STAIGHT OUT)
Facebook offers an array of tools and networking solutions, I guess it’s easy to wander down too many paths, I recommend, that start with by asking yourself a simple question: What’s your goal? Is it getting more customers in the door? Building brand awareness? Creating a venue for customer support? Once you have set your goal, you can strategize accordingly. So basically put it on paper, check mark each stage of the game. J
Now that you’ve written all down, find out what your objectives are. Meaning are they baby steps or are you coming out RUNNING. So keep it simple. And most of all keep your ideas clean, meaning don’t have 40 objects for goal # 1.
Here’s a small hint, tell your family and friends to join your companies Facebook. You’ll be surprised how fast you’re Facebook page grows. Also keep in mind to have a Google+ account as well. Make your FREE presence known.
And don’t forget that you can enliven your page with photos, comments and useful information. As you grow more comfortable, you can add videos or business applications. Flaunt your personality. The page of an ice cream parlor should feel different than that of a funeral parlor. “The pages that are most successful,” said Tim Kendall, the director of monetization at Facebook, “are the ones that really replicate the personality of the business.”
Should It all be about SELLING? 
This may come at the end, but keep in mind, don’t try to end with a sale, sometimes a to empower someone with knowledge might win you more customers.  
Some basic rules:  The best practitioners make Facebook less about selling and more about interacting. Engage with fans and critics. Listen to what people are saying, good and bad. You may even pick up ideas for how to improve your business. Keep content fresh. Use status updates and newsfeeds to tell fans about specials, events, contests or anything of interest.
Remember with all these tools people aren’t going to flock to your social business site overnight. Technology is about the network effect. It takes time to make those connections, and more time for the one’s that grow. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sales Pages on Social Media

For Sale!, Now that you've opened up your online business and attracting customers to your ecommerce store or sales page. All of a sudden its much harder than you thought. Your blog about turning LEAD into GOLD gets more hits than your website. Why? It’s because no one really cares about your business. The only person that's actually bought something from you is your mom, and she got help from her BINGO club. Nobody really wants to know what you have to sell and no one likes being led to a sales page. Even if you think you’re offering the most magnificent products ever, the golden toilet bowl, by default people are going to ignore you unless they know who you are. And this is where the light should GO OFF!! UNLESS THEY KNOW YOU or your PRODUCTS!

Selling on Social Media is the RAGE?? Really?

Marketing your business on social media is all the rage right now but simply posting your online store URL on Facebook or any other social media isn't going to work. For one thing, most people are extremely suspicious of any type of sales page they encounter. Anything that even resembles a product page is just going to get passed on.

For example, whenever I click on any submission and am taken to a page full of products, I get pissed off and immediately leave. Ninity nine percent of the time I'm doing research or "window shopping", and on those social sites, I'm there to read about what others are up to or to just relax. My marketing and BS sensors are on full alert and I hate being led to a random store or ecommerce site. So what do you do?
You Need To Create A Connection
The other thing you need to realize is that customers don’t necessarily shop at your store because of your products per se. They are shopping at your store because you've created a connection somehow. They want to buy from you because of the personality and your store products. Don't get me wrong you will definitely find that one guy up at night that needs that hand warmer pizza cutter, which happens that your store sells.

The best way to illustrate this point is to tell a story about an experience I had at a company I used to work for. At the time, I was a hardware engineer designing circuit boards and I had to select a device to use in my design from 2 competing manufacturers.

Company #1 was the leader in their field. They produced devices that were technologically superior to every one else. Feature wise, their product was the device of choice among developers. Company #2 was not as well known but had a decent product. However from a technical standpoint, their product was not as powerful as Company #1 but adequate for most applications.

In any case, it should have been a no brainer to go with Company #1, but ultimately I went with Company #2 and a lesser known product. Why? It’s because Company #2 projected this aura of really caring for their customers and providing superior customer support.

Because Company #1 was already the leader, they didn’t dedicate as many resources in trying to help me integrate their device into my design. Finding literature and documentation was more difficult as well because I had to manually request access to each document, a process which often took several days.

Meanwhile, Company #2 had a very open philosophy with their documentation and it really showed on their website. All of their content was freely available and as a result I got to know their products better and felt more comfortable using their devices. Whenever I had any questions, they immediately sent an engineer over to help even for the most minor of problems. Over time, I even became friends with the sales guy and FAE.

I continued to use Company #2′s devices throughout my entire stint at my job and never even considered switching, ever. I was a loyal customer for life.

The key takeaway here is that the superior product isn’t always the one that sells and the decision to buy is not always about the product itself. If you can establish some sort of connection to your customers through your website or customer service, then you will have the upper hand. In fact, that is one of the main ways that a small niche store or boutique can take on a larger business. The key is to make people want to buy from you and no one else. And to do that you need to make your store standout. Company #2 snagged me as a customer because their emphasis on good customer service was plastered all over their website.

The Secret To Marketing A Niche Online Store

So what is the secret to marketing your store? **Drum roll** The secret to marketing your online store is to keep your customer engaged with your website by showing them your personality. The secret is to keep your customer so interested in what you have to say that they don’t even realize that you are selling to them. And to accomplish this feat, you need to have engaging content.

In fact, I would argue that you shouldn’t think of your online store as a store at all. You should think of your ecommerce site as a content site that happens to sell products. Similar to a blog, if you have good content, the word will eventually spread, people will link to your website and you’ll get tons of organic traffic without having to spend much on advertising.

For our store, my wife and I engage customers by providing useful craft tutorials and other projects that can be created with our products for free. 70% of our web traffic comes directly through our content pages and a good portion of this traffic eventually goes on to purchase from us. I would say that initially, many of our customers don’t even visit our website to shop. Instead, they read about some of our cool DIY wedding projects and want to make it themselves. In the future, we also plan on adding video tutorials to our store as well.

Bottom line, the more you can engage with customers, the more you’ll be able to sell. Instead of a direct sales pitch, show them that you are a real person and that you are passionate and care about your products.

If you want to see a great example of this, take a look at what what my site webcreatingco.com. To understand what I mean, take a few minutes and check it out. My function is trying to sell YOU. That's my pitch. Of coarse I want to make a dollar at it, but most of all if you're successful, then I'm successful. I'm pretty sure, I'll get repeat business from you. So lets talk. Throw me a line if you think, I can help or if you have any ideas you'd like to bounce of me. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Marketing Online HELP!

Ok, you’ve got hosting, you’ve made your website, and now you’re watching your email like a hawk. Day one, no emails. You tell yourself its cool, its only day one. Day two, same feeling. Its only day two. I got nothing to worry about. The clicks will start pouring in. Day 20 and now you’re nervous. You’ve emailed everyone you know, you’ve told your babysitter about your website. You’ve even discussed it at your local Church or Synagogue, and still nothing In this article I’ll discuss some basic marketing strategies, and how and what you need to do., to PROMOTE your BUSINESS or IDEA.

Marketing Online Strategy #1) Have a Blog/Website.

The first step to successful marketing online is to have a home base on the Web. It doesn't really matter if you have an official website or a blog or a combination of both. Either will give you a Web address where people can find you and a convenient way of referring to you, two things that will facilitate your marketing online efforts. So even if you don't sell anything online directly, you need a website.
I learned this the hardway, get a blog on their website or serving as a website because if you blog regularly and have something relevant to say, you will develop a following - and some of those people will help your marketing online efforts by spreading the word about you and your products and/or services.

Marketing Online Strategy #2) Online Advertising

Many small businesses in particular don’t bother with this marketing online strategy, I suspect because they don't want to use cash. They only want to do free marketing online. I say, there's absolutely nothing wrong with free marketing online strategies - as long as you realize they're not all that 'free'. Keep in mind that online marketing strategies I'm aware of take a considerable time investment, meaning they're only free if your time is worth nothing. A lot or running around needs to be done, meaning follow up work. Keep this simple rule in mind, you get what you pay for.
Traditional online advertising, on the other hand, takes relatively little time and can be a very effective marketing online strategy. The first thing you need to know about it is that there are two cost models, CPM and CPC.
CPM stands for Cost Per Thousand Impressions. With this type of marketing online, you basically buy space on a web page and pay for a certain number of impressions, or the number of times your ad is going to be displayed. Many of the banner ads you see on various websites are being paid for on a CPM model.
CPC stands for Cost-Per-Click advertising. In this model, you pay only for the number of times a viewer clicks on your ad, not on the number of times it's displayed.
Google AdWords is perhaps the best known Pay-per-click marketing online program. When you're marketing online with this program, you choose particular keywords that you want your ads to be associated with. When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad may appear next to the search results. The theory is that these people are much more likely to be interested in your products or services.
Another online advertising strategy you may wish to try is creating and posting an online video (either to your own website or to a popular video sharing site such as YouTube). See YouTube Rocks for Advertising Your Business. An online video can be marketing online gold if it becomes popular.

Marketing Online Strategy #3) Directory Listings

Adding your business to appropriate directory listings (local directory listings, business directories, etc.) is another way of marketing online that takes little time and is relatively inexpensive. Whatever local business groups you belong to, such as your local Chamber of Commerce, probably have websites where they allow members to list their businesses online and perhaps even place ads on the site at special rates. Search out other local sites, especially those related to tourism, and make sure you're listed there, too.
What other marketing online strategies might work best for your small business? Here are three more for you to try:

Marketing Online Strategy #4)

Joining the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, and forums, posting on Flicker and YouTube, commenting on other people’s blogs, are all opportunities for marketing online.
Marketing online through social media requires a much more subtle technique than marketing online through advertising or directory listings. With all social media, the trick is to participate intelligently and actually attempt to converse rather than just advertising your products or services. Comments such as "Good point. See my site www.worldsbesttamales.com for the world's best tamales" are just spam, not conversation.
The downside of marketing online through social media is that it's time-consuming. If you want to do it well and see any real benefit from it, you have to work at it. The upside is that it's free and can really generate a lot of buzz about your products/services if something that you've done online ( a post, a video, an article) becomes really popular.

Marketing Online Strategy #5) Online Networking

Try Linkedin.  Its stated purpose is to help the world's professionals connect with one another to accelerate their success. As of this writing, LinkedIn has over 40 million members in over 200 countries and territories around the world. It's a powerful tool for marketing online, giving you the opportunity to connect with potential customers, partners and colleagues.

Besides being a great source of support and information, groups such as these also provide some marketing online opportunities. Other members may be potential customers or referral sources as they get to know you and what you do.
Like social media, online networking requires taking a subtle approach to marketing online. The same basic rule applies to online networking that applies to networking face-to-face. Give, give, give and don't worry about receiving; you will, likely in bigger, more powerful ways than you ever imagined.

Marketing Online Strategy #6) Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best and most powerful ways of marketing online, in my opinion. For one thing, once you've developed an email list, (notice the word developed, not bought), you are, in effect, preaching to the converted, sending your marketing message directly to people who have already indicated some interest in your products or services.
For another, email is an excellent tool for building a relationship with your customers, letting you build both repeat business and good word-of-mouth through your marketing online efforts.
Newsletters can be sent to the email list you've built from the people who provided the necessary information on your website, for instance, providing these potential customers with news updates about your company, upcoming events and/or special offers – and, of course, reminding them that your business exists and that maybe it's time for another visit.
Email programs such as VerticalResponse and Constant Contact allow you to customize your email to your potential customer so you can send selected customers messages specific to their interests and actions.

Marketing Online and Offline Are The Same in One Way...

Just like any offline marketing, your marketing online efforts need to be planned. So don’t just post something here and place something there and consider that you're marketing online. Create a marketing online campaign and plan and measure your results just as you would with any other marketing.
And remember too, that targeting still matters. The more carefully you have targeted your potential customers and the more carefully you have chosen and placed your marketing advertisements or your conversations, the more successful your marketing online campaign will be.
The thing that's different about marketing online, however, is its incredible reach. The Internet gives your business the chance to reach thousands and perhaps even millions of people who would never hear of your products and/or services otherwise - making marketing online a marketing opportunity you don’t want to miss out on. If you still need additional help try logging into my website WebCreatingCo

Web Marketing Secrets

In a recent marketing workshop I attended, I've discovered that most business owners rely on just two or three marketing strategies to attract new business. However, there is a multitude of ways to drive new business to your door. Here are a few of my suggestions:
Networking: Networking is perhaps the most commonly used approach by small business owners. However, it is often poorly executed. Many people attend a networking function and take the wrong approach by trying to meet as many people as they can. They bounce from person to person, handing out business cards like it is an Olympic event and they are vying for the gold medal. They fail to realize that the most effective way to network is to cultivate relationships and give referrals to other members first.
Referrals. This marketing strategy places a close second in preferred methods of generating new business leads. The key here is to ensure that you take a proactive approach rather than a passive one. Instead of assuming that a satisfied client will refer someone to you, ask for that referral. Tell people who your ideal client is and ask for their help in finding these types of clients. The real estate agent who represented the seller when we bought our house sends us a card every year and reminds us that she loves referrals. It is not pushy, does not sound like she’s begging, and I’m confident it helps generate new leads.
Writing. This often under-utilized marketing strategy is an excellent way to become recognized as an industry expert. Every industry has trade magazines and most are hungry for good content. The Internet is also filled with websites and e-zines looking for material to send to their subscribers and customers. I now write at least one article every month and send it to more than two hundred publications. This marketing strategy alone has helped drive more traffic to my website more than anything else. It is sometimes challenging to come up with ideas and to write an 800 word article but the investment of time and effort is definitely worth it.
Newsletters. This is another powerful marketing strategy to keep your name in front of your customers and prospects. Provide key insight into business challenges and offer solutions to them. In other words, help your prospects and customers solve problems. Some newsletters are nothing more than advertising so be sure to provide valuable information to your customer. Although it is less expensive to send a newsletter electronically, you can issue it in paper format. A local real estate agent regularly sends out a one-page update of the housing market in our neighborhood. (More: Newsletters Are Smart Marketing.)
Cold calling. Without a doubt, this is usually the most challenging way to market a business - I know very few people who actually enjoy cold calling. However, it can be a good way to uncover qualified prospects in a relatively short period of time. Be sure to start your conversation with a good opening to capture the other person's attention.
Give free information. At the marketing workshop I attended, the facilitator suggested giving information to interested prospects. Using this marketing strategy on my website, I have quadrupled the number of subscribers to my newsletter in the last year. You do not need to give away all the information relevant to your product or service. Instead, offer information that will help your target market with their problems. For example, when people sign up to my e-zine, they receive a report that outlines 100 tips they can use to increase their sales.
Offer a guarantee. A concern many people have when changing suppliers is the risk associated with the change. They may not be completely satisfied with their existing supplier but the risk of choosing a supplier who may be worse can prevent them from changing. Eliminate this concern and offer a guarantee.
Advertising. This can be a great marketing strategy if you know how to create a good ad. The best marketers know that great sales copy is what makes the difference; I have experienced this first-hand. When I began selling my book on my website, I generated mediocre results for the first two years. I eventually changed the copy on my site and sales have soared every since. Glance through the ads in your trade magazine and you will quickly notice that most ads focus on the company's product features instead of on the customer's problem. Create a great ad by concentrating on the problem you can solve.
There are many other ways to market your business and generate new business leads. However, the marketing strategies I mention in this article are effective low- or no-cost options. Use them consistently and watch your sales grow. Remember you are your own marketing expert. 
Another great resource is your local SBA office.